This blog was created, edited and produced by Shannon E. Ayala for 11 months between May 2010 to April 2012. It was a product of the Amp Up! Network, a project launched by NYC and Hudson Valley-based activists intent on mobilizing youth in the issues of our time.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Rallying in Response to Paterson's Frack Veto
Sunday, December 12, 2010
December Frack Protests in NYC
MONDAY DECEMBER 13th, 12 noon
NYC Office of Gov David Paterson
644 3rd Avenue (between 41st and 42nd)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
This Saturday
Help plan the next 6 months as we strategize to beat hydraulic fracturing in New York State, plan a Water Justice action for the 1 year anniversary of the Gulf Oil Disaster, and build our state's presence at Powershift 2011 and Northeast Food and Justice Summit.
There will be pizza & vegan lunch included.
Later in the day, we'll join a protest against Hydrofracking in Midtown.
Time: Saturday, December 11 · 11:00am - 4:00pm
Place: 208 E 51st Street (between 2nd and 3rd Ave) 4th Floor
Frack Protest info: (we will go as a caravan)
When : Saturday, December 11th starting at 4:45pm
Where : 301 Park Avenue @ 49th Street, New York, NY.
The Sponsors: NYH20, Damascus Citizens and 13 Friends
PA Governor Tom “Corporate” Corbett along with many other politicians and corporations will celebrate corporate friendship between PA elected officials, campaign contributors, and PA state contract holders. (Formal wear is encouraged).
Facebook event
(invite friends)
Monday, December 6, 2010
"Action a Day Week"
1. Calling Gov Paterson (518 - 474 – 8390), to thank him for cautioning the DRBC on Fracking, but also to urge him to sign our own moratorium that would be in effect until May.

2. Besides the hearing in Trenton tomorrow on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin, which may be inconvenient, we can write to Philadelphia's Mayor Nutter, to tell the DRBC to hold off on Fracking. An automatic email template has been provided in an email by Protecting Our Water, but they also urge us to actually send letters. This emergency request followed an announcement by the DRBC (Delaware River Basin Commission) that it would release regulations on Fracking in the Delaware Watershed later this week.
Honorable Michael Nutter
City Hall
Office of the Mayor
Room 215
Philadelphia PA 19107
At the a DRBC hearing on July 14th, governmental representatives of NY did not show up, apparently because of budget constraints, and not only was half or so of the room filled with people who said they were for safe drilling, but the commission demonstrated a willingness to allow Fracking and even the disposal of treated Fracking Fluid in the Delaware Watershed. It appears likely that their regulations will be minimal and it is urgent that the mayor of Philadelphia, which is along the river, urge a moratorium so the EPA could conduct a complete study.
Photos: Delaware River Basin (google)
Saturday Actions:
3. Attend this Saturday's Youth Activist Training/Amp Up! Meeting with a guest from RAN (Rain Forest Action Network), from 11-4.
4. Hydrofracking Protest at 4:45PM Saturday at 49th & Park, organized by Damascus Citizens.
More info on Saturday to come.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
NYPIRG Students Hold Vigil for COP16
After the third day of COP16, where government representatives once again are negotiating for the UNFCCC, NYPIRG (The New York Public Interest Research Group), which is comprised of student chapters throughout SUNY and CUNY, held a vigil across the street from the UN.
Students came out from various CUNY schools, some who are newcomers to this gigantic people's movement. Oxfam and Greenpeace organizers participated as well in discussing the concept of Climate Justice, that "non annex" countries are greatly more affected by Climate Change and could use financial help from "annex" countries, or wealthier nations, to survive.
Young Farmer Testifies Next to CEO
Applegate may relatively not be one of the "big guys," and what brought the man to the table may have been his interest in the Food Movement, especially the rise in buying from farmers markets, and eating more fruits and vegetables instead of meat even though his company is basically a meat business, however, they do not use artificial hormones on their animals.
The young farmer, on the other hand, in his mid twenties perhaps, works on a farm that breaks even, and is owned by a wealthy couple that launched the farm out of an interest in Sustainable Agriculture. He's one of a movement of young people that are taking up the challenge of being a Sustainable farmer.
The question: "Can healthy food feed America," of course wasn't totally, holistically examined in the short period of time, but the subject of various routes of changing the Food System and how students can be involved came up. Of course, David Orr, the young farmer provided the example of being the change, becoming the Local, Sustainable farmer.
Despite how much a movement actually grows of people purchasing Local, Organic and Humane Food, there will still be a crisis of local farmers falling off the map in Upstate New York. "New York State farmers ... only make half as much per acre as farmers in other parts of the country," says NYC Council Member Quin according to Gotham Gazzette (an article written by a student). The article also goes into depth about Ethical Food also coming into low income neighborhoods. But despite these awesome activist actions, these allocations of Healthy, Sustainable Food don't necessarily increase the production of this food. The Broken Food System, to a large degree, has brought us the Hydrofracking controversy, since farmland is most targeted by the Natural Gas Industry. Therefore, we need more young farmers and large systematic change that transfers subsidies from Industrial Ag to Sustainable Ag. And since a historic Food Safety Bill was just passed, there may be some hope in actually targeting the next Farm Bill or other Food Policies.
It came up in the discussion that one activist role that students in particular could take is through the Real Food Challenge, and attending the Northeast Food and Justice Summit of February 2011 in Boston, in which hundreds of students will attend. The RFC is a campaign launched by students in 2005 that unites students that want to transfer their own school's food money to Sustainable Food.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dates Set for Power Shift 11

We've got big news! The dates are set, the venue is settled. Power Shift 2011 is April 1-4 at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC.
Power Shift 2011 is our opportunity to come together and define the way forward for our movement. Together we'll celebrate our grassroots success stories, hear from movement leaders, and learn from and train each other to launch new campaigns. We'll take bold action to set the tone in Washington and show them what true leadership looks like. If it's anything like years past, Power Shift 2011 is bound to be historic [1].
Now more than ever, we need Power Shift 2011. Big Oil and dirty energy corporations continue to pollute our politics and devastate the health of our communities, but with grassroots people power we're fighting back.
To meet today's challenges we know we'll need a diversity of tactics and approaches, and we'll bring them all together at Power Shift 2011. We'll stand up to Big Oil by bringing together innovative solutions from across the country and work with each other on community-led initiatives to create the clean and just energy economy we're demanding. It's time for our elected officials in Washington, DC to hear our demands and follow our lead.
Power Shift 2011 is being built from the ground up, literally. We'll create our own conference space outside RFK Stadium using massive tents and our creativity. With the help of a Steering Committee, Working Groups, our partners, and you, we'll have all of the top leaders of the movement involved.
Be a Power Shift Coordinator to bring your communities voice and participation to this historic convergence.
Power Shift Coordinators will help make this all possible by recruiting people to the movement, and supporting them in their fundraising and travel arrangements to Washington, DC. Thousands of coordinators across the country will ensure this convergence displays the breadth and diversity of our movement.
Sign up today -- Help us hit our goal of 300 Power Shift Coordinators by the end of the year.
Let's finish 2010 strong and launch boldly into 2011.
See you in April!
Whit Jones
Power Shift 2011 Coordinator
Energy Action Coalition
Tonight the NY State Assembly approved the moratorium on gas drilling in New York City’s watershed
Tonight the New York State Assembly approved a moratorium on gas drilling in New York City’s watershed, a huge victory for those of us who have been fighting so hard to protect our drinking water from toxic chemicals.
Protecting New York’s environment is at the top of our agenda in the Assembly majority and we will not let anything stand in the way of making sure all New Yorkers have clean, safe water. When it comes to keeping pollution and dangerous chemicals out of our water supply, there is simply no acceptable level of risk.
That is why my colleagues and I resisted pressure from the oil and gas industry and passed this crucial moratorium, which would prohibit the controversial process known as hydrofracking while the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducts a safety review.
Our most important responsibility is to keep all New Yorkers safe. By preventing hydrofracking from moving ahead, we have not only protected our water supply today, we have served notice to the industry that we will always put the health and safety of New Yorkers first.
To read the entire article/email click here:
Monday, November 29, 2010
Candlelight Vigil for Climate Adaptation/COP16
New York, NY
December 1, 2010 06:00PM to 07:00PM
Event Description:
World leaders will be meeting in Cancun in November and December to work out the details of international climate policy. As part of a coordinated day of national action, we are going to be hosting a candlelight vigil in front of the United Nations to demonstrate how important this conference is and the significance of the decisions that are and are not made.
We will provide the candles, we just need you there to hold them. Tell your friends, families, colleagues and everyone you know.
If you have any questions, email Lauren @
Event Type: Public Event
Ralph Bunche Park at E. 43rd St. & 1st Ave. at Peace Form Monument (Across street from UN)
New York, NY
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Can "Healthy" Food Feed America?
November 30, 2010
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Baruch College
151 E. 25th Street
Library Building
Newman Conference Center, 750
Friday, November 26, 2010
Won Over Paterson on Fracking
(See full article at Catskill
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Frack Call Blitz
Tuesday 11/23 (and everyday until the Assembly passes the bill), please call and ask the Speaker, influential members of the Assembly and the Governor to attend the Special Session in Albany and “bring the Sweeney hydraulic fracturing moratorium bill A11443B to the Assembly floor for a vote and pass the bill!”
Essential calls: (If the phone lines get flooded, send an email or fax!)
• Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver 518-455-3791, or, 212-312-1420 or mailto:
FAX HIM @ 518-455-5459
• Assemblyman Herman Farrell (Chair of Ways & Means Committee)
518-455-5491, or, 212-234-1430, or, 212-568-2828 or mailto:
• Your Assemblyperson!
Find Them Here
• Governor David Paterson
518-474-8390 or email Paterson here
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Amp Up! Network Eco-Movement Meeting
Time: Sunday, November 21 · 4:00pm - 6:30pm
Location: CCNY Shakur Center
137th Street & Amsterdam
New York, NY
Saturday, November 13, 2010
DEC Permits Fracking and a Dump-In is Held Upstate
According to Cooperstown News Bureau, the company is likely to wait until spring. The moratorium on Fracking that passed in the senate, expires in May, and hasn't yet passed in the House.
It is part of the DEC's constitution to help the Oil and Gas Industries.
In Rochester, CEOs of Halliburton and Chesapeake Energy celebrated five years of profits from Fracking, by holding a public dump-in and press conference. They toasted with wine glasses full of flaming, toxic water and subsequently dumped buckets of toxic water into a reservoir to symbolize Fracking, which they held to be a patriotic subindustry. They hired a woman to dance with a flaming hula hoop in appreciation of the Halliburton Loophole, which exempts Fracking from the Safe Drinking Water Act and other acts won by the environmental movement in the early 1970s. Protesters such as Emily Good, asked challenging questions during the press conference and chanted, "It's Our Water, We Will Fight!" at the CEOs while they dumped the toxic water.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Flaming Loop-Holes and Pittsburgh Frack Ban
Also, following the 200 person protest and other actions in Pittsburgh, a city-wide ban on Hydrofracking has just about ensued in Pittsburgh.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Discuss Environmental Issues with Rep from

"The first WE Connect event will be with Jeremy Osborn, Co-Founder of, to learn about and discuss the newest information on environmental issues, solutions and pragmatic ways to take action."
This is from en email from WE the World
"WE Connect
Helen Kramer's NYC Salon
Sunday, Nov. 14, 3:30-5:30 pm
222 Park Avenue South, Apt. 2D N.W.
Corner of 18th Street & Park Avenue (buzzer code #0204) in Manhattan
Donation: $10 to benefit the WE Campaign (Donations are tax deductible)
Co-Sponsor: The Coalition For One Voice is Co-Sponsoring this event
WE Connect is a new series of community gatherings to inspire actions of social change around the world.
The first WE Connect event will be with Jeremy Osborn, Co-Founder of, to learn about and discuss the newest information on environmental issues, solutions and pragmatic ways to take action."
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Marcellus Protest in Pittsburgh
As the natural gas industry convened at the 2nd annual Devoloping Unconventional Gas (DUG) conference in Pittsburgh, many members of the anti-fracking movement marched over the Rachel Carson Bridge to protest outside the conference. Because of fracking, the industry is experiencing a natural gas boom. According to the DUG website, there were over 2,000 attendees. "Whether you are looking to make new business connections, or learn what operators are doing to protect and develop their investments, DUG East is THE conference you cannot afford to miss." An individual ticket cost $895....
(See Full Article and Video)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
350 Art Help Needed in Brooklyn
" will coordinate 20 public art pieces in ecosystems and communities impacted by climate change—our sinking coastlines, endangered forests, melting glaciers, and polluted cities—that are massive enough to be seen from space. Each public art piece will be photographed by satellite. The images will be displayed across the Internet and on Google Earth, as well as distributed to mainstream media outlets around the world.
Here’s how you can help:
Near Prospect Park in Brooklyn, the artist Molly Dilworth will be creating a large painting atop a roof in NYC with a design imagining the new borders of New York Harbor after a +7 meter rise in sea-level—once completed, the roof will be photographed by satellite. The special paint will create a solar-reflective coating engineered to decrease solar heat absorbed by the building...
Molly needs your help to create this climate masterpiece! Volunteers are needed from Nov. 1-5 to assist in painting the roof. Painting will be going on between 9am-5pm each day, and you can sign up for a shift of anywhere from 2 to 8 hours on any of those days. No experience needed!
Please note: ...Volunteers should dress warmly and in work clothes.
...Please contact Molly at and write “Volunteer” in the subject heading. Include which days/hours you’d like to help out, and she’ll follow up with further instructions and information about the building’s location.
More About Molly Dilworth's Current Painting in Time Square: "
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Eco Justice Essay for Mass Distribution/Consideration... & Marcellus Protest

The Marcellus Protest is going to be on November 3rd in Pittsburgh and it's not unrealistic to find a ride there so just ask me on Facebook or at if you want to find a way there.
Marcellus Protest Website
Invite people on Facebook.
A Proposal for the Youth Environmental Movement

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Black Farmers, Urban Gardeners & New Young Farmers

Black Farmers and Urban Gardeners Conference
"Growing Health, Wealth, & Justice in Our Communities
November 19-21, 2010
Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY
"Our farmers are in peril:
In 1920, over 14% of U.S, farmers were African American.
In 2007, less than 2% of U.S. farmers are African American.
Only 110 of more than 56,000 farmers in New York State are African American.
Our communities are malnourished:
Nationally, the typical low-income neighborhood has 30 percent fewer supermarkets than higher-income neighborhoods.
Our health is suffering:
Nearly 50% of African American children will develop diabetes at some point in their lives.
About four out of five African American women are overweight or obese.
In 2007, African Americans were 1.4 times as likely to be obese as Non- Hispanic Whites.
Deaths from heart disease and stroke are almost twice the rate for African Americans as compared to Whites.
Help forge food, farming and policy solutions for the Black Community. Attend the Black Farmer and Urban Gardeners Conference."
Young Farmers and Role of Higher Education
Friday, October 8, 2010
A Chance To Ask Hard Questions
Dear Friends,
A last-minute addition to the weekend's festivities: Representatives from the White House have asked if they could talk with some of the people organizing events across the country.
At 5 p.m. tomorrow, Jon Carson, who is Chief of Staff at President Obama's Council on Environmental Quality, will answer some questions that you might want to raise about how the Administration plans to combat climate change. We won't have long to talk with him, so we're going to have to cull down the questions to two or three.
But we're very eager to hear what he has to say--in part because he was the National Field Director for the Obama campaign in 2008. That is to say, he understands movement building, and we need to get his thinking on how we might keep this 350 ball rolling ever faster! No need to go easy on the guy: tough questions are probably best, because we've obviously got a lot of work to do.
So visit this link to learn about how to join the call and submit your questions:
And here's the basic dial-in info:
When: The call will start at 5pm PST/ 8pm EST
Conference call number: (201) 793-9022
Conference room number: 9465206
Mostly, just be pleased that the White House has begun to respond to the movement you're creating. Just as with the announcement last week about solar panels, your input makes a difference.
May Boeve, US Campaign Director
Strike! October 7th in NYC
Thursday, October 7, 2010
LGBTQ Vigils
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Mountain Justice Peaks and Frack Movement Speeks
See the article below about a hearing tonight on Fracking conducted by the DEC in Long Island City. If you can possible make it in this short notice please come and make noise, or testify. Major organizations didn't even know about it until last minute, which seems to mean that the DEC isn't exactly out to stop Fracking in New York.
At Appalachia Rising there was a Northeast meet-up and many people learned about Fracking there and were ready to take action from Connecticut to Mass to parts of Upstate New York that were still somewhat out of the Marcellus-loop of noise. At the march itself, people showed up with signs against Fracking and there were chants for Clean Water Now, because we are two different movements, but we are like brother and sister, not to mention the Tar Sands movement, Justice in the Gulf and Eco-Justice everywhere.
If you have any news on 10/10/10 please ask permission (to for authorization and post an update, as well as thoughts, news and features if you want.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
DEC Hearing: Fracking for the Trees

The Department of Conservation is holding a hearing tomorrow on their new land management plan, which is understood to allow Frack-Drilling in 786,329 acres upstate, (Four hundred and forty one state forests will be affected).
Come out and rally with us in front of the hearing. come before 7 to sign up to testify if you'd like if you think enough is enough already. First note that we know that the DEC had already planned to grant permits to the Fracking industry before, and that environmentalists only just found out about this hearing at the last minute. If the impact statement is out to allow Deforestation for Fracking or not, we have to voice the opposition against it.
Click Here to Mobilize more people.
More Info:
Strategic Plan for State Forest Management (DRAFT)
This draft plan and generic environmental impact statement (GEIS) will guide the future management of the state's 786,329-acre State Forest holdings and is being made available for public review and comment. Key goals focus on ecosystem health and diversity, economic benefits, recreational opportunities, forest conservation and sustainable management.
Comment Period
Public comment is encouraged and will be accepted September 1, 2010 through 4:45 p.m., Friday, October 29, 2010. Please review the plan and submit comments by email to State Forest Strategic Plan. Comments may also be mailed to Strategic Plan for State Forest Management, NYS DEC, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4255.
Click Here to Mobilize more people.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Pipeline Protest at Obama's Fundraiser
A protest took place outside Obama's Democratic campaign fundraiser yesterday to push him off of supporting the proposed Keystone Oil Pipeline to run from Alberta Canada to Texas.
The operation would extract Tar Sand Oil, which releases three times as much GHG pollution than conventional gas. Environmentalists say it also poses threats of water contamination and other sorts of dire problems.
A cheerful video made by TransCanada Corporation doesn't address every concern, but it does say that the project will respect the lands of indigenous peoples, although it doesn't say how so, and Friends of the Earth say otherwise: "Communities living downstream from tailing ponds have seen spikes in rates of rare cancers, renal failure, lupus, and hyperthyroidism. In the lakeside village of Fort Chipewyan, for example, 100 of the town’s 1,200 residents have died from cancer."
Activists there were involved in Friends of the Earth and organizations at Fordham University, Manhattanville College and other schools in New York City.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tonight: Rights of Mother Earth

The Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the United Nations
Invites you to attend a public lecture by
President Evo Morales
"Nature is not for sale: The Rights of Mother Earth"
At the Community Church of New York
40 East 35th St. (between Madison and Park Ave.)
Tuesday, September 21st, 2010 at 7 PM
Doors open at 5:30 PM. General admision.
Please confirm attendance to (does not guarantee a seat).
RSVP on Facebook here.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Delaware Riverkeeper Calls for Letters
Big Week Regarding Shale Gas and LAST CALL FOR LETTERS
September 13 and 15 – EPA Hearings
At noon each day, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is holding Hearings at Broome County Forum Theater, 260 Washington St., Binghamton NY regarding their research of the potential harmful impacts of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.
Come speak out or submit written comment by Sept. 28.
September 15 – Delaware River Basin Commission Public Meeting
Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1:30 pm, West Trenton Volunteer Fire Company 40 West Upper Ferry Road, West Trenton, NJ. Gas development will be addressed at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Delaware River Basin Commission and the public will have the opportunity to address the Commissioners during Public Comment. Our request for an injunction to stop the grandfathered “test” wells will be decided. To speak, it’s a good idea to register ahead at or 609-883-9500 ext. 224.
For more on these key meetings go to:
LAST CALL for letters to the DRBC Commissioners before the meeting!
Thousands have been submitted but we need more to influence this vote. To register your concerns send a letter NOW - BEFORE the Sept. 15 meeting - to the DRBC outlining why we need to STUDY FIRST, then develop regulations to prevent pollution and degradation to the Delaware River Watershed and the water supply of 15 million people. For a sample letter that will be emailed directly to DRBC go to:
Blogging at
Friday, September 10, 2010
See the whole, revised text here, Shannon's Organic Features: Climate of Opportunity.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Leaning Towards 10/10/10
Friday, August 27, 2010
Rising Up with Appalachia!

If you read the article, Climate of Opportunity, you have an idea of the large events building the movement over the next months and how we got here, who the players are, et cetera. Of course, we just had a discussion and will be having another one again very soon, to encourage 10-10-10 and to discuss how to structure it into the larger movement for a Just Sustainability Economy. 10-10-10 is something that needs a lot of planning and preparation ahead of time so we should be focusing on it now, however, 16 days before October 10th GLobal Work Party is Appalachia Rising, and we should be registering for it now.
Most of our energy comes from Coal and a lot of that comes from Mountain Top Removal, "devastating communities throughout Appalachia, polluting drinking water and destroying rivers" in the words of Everyone cares about the Gulf, but why do so few know and care about this?
We will discuss some practicalities about getting there at the next Amp Up discussion which will be announced soon, in addition to 10-10-10 and the movement for a Just Sustainable Economy.
Sept 25-27: Appalachia Rising
October 10: Global Work Party
October 12: Day of Action for Climate Justice
Dec 4: Day of Action for Climate Justice (During UN Talks in Cancun)
Feb: Power Shift
Image: Beehive Collective, an art activist group that fights for Mountain Justice
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Frack Hearing and Amp Up Meet-Up
First, why you should come. It is really an informal thing. You don't have to order food. It's basically a bar, revolutionary cafe. There will likely be another one of these soon but we don't know when and where yet. It will be a conversation, to brainstorm ideas about 10/10/10, and to elaborate on the how we can Amp Up the Environmental and Food Movement right now, as well as any other student political interest, such as Strike Oct 11th. Two upcoming things, for example, are Appachia Rising in DC in September and the International Day of Action for Climate Justice on October 12th. This was written for a complete overview of the upcoming semester as background information.
Wild Hearing.
See my article, NYC Advocates Overshadow Pro-Frackers. One thing that I didn't mention is that Claire Sandberg and I, both from Frack Action testified as well, although I wasn't able to videotape Claire at the very end of a four hour hearing. Almost everyone was against Fracking, minus a few landowners. Surprisingly, a number of these environmentalists booed Rey Olsen, a landowner and made wild raucous. A number of environmentalists also supported biofuels and made other surprising suggestions other than Renewable Energy. Nevertheless, it was rather monotonous having almost every testifier condemn Fracking, although there were many very interesting moments. David Brahn of United For Action said he wanted to discuss "the prositution of Mother Nature and the money being made of it." A young woman said she went to a high school for environmental sciences and back then she loved the EPA. But at the hearing she told the EPA to their faces that she has lost trust in them, and that she considers EPA to stand for "Enforcing a Political Agenda." A woman who was running for a Democratic seat in the US Senate asked the landowners if it were worth glowing in the dark.
To Explain the video below, someone said that the EPA had allowed criminal behavior to continue, so Gennero of the NYC Council defended the EPA, saying that fracking is legal right now. So the woman in stripes started by saying "Slavery was once legal too."
The footage in this Amp Update is not included in my in-depth article and video but includes my own testimony and a few favorite moments.
More footage:
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Action, Organizing and Concert Close August
1. Frack Hearing at BMCC this Tuesday at 6. Every individual presence makes a huge difference.
2. Fall Semester Environmental Organizing Dinner, Thursday at 6 at La Pregunta Cafe. Coming or not, be sure to read this Fall Semester Organizing article, Climate of Opportunity: Fall 2010, (quintessential if your are planning a club agenda for the semester).
3. HBO's Gasland Music Benefit Concert with Vanessa Bley at Mercury Lounge on Houston.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
You Can't Frack City Hall
Monday, August 9, 2010
Not Too Late for Real Food Summer
This summer,

Each event will feature a unique series of workshops ranging from storytelling as an organizing tool and "power, privilege and oppression in the food system," to ones on campaign planning and how to shift campus food systems. All participating teams will leave with a full action plan for the school year.
These trainings are much more than workshops: we'll cook and eat delicious meals together, visit and work with local food justice organizations, do all sorts of outdoor activities and (of course) have dance parties! Everyone walks away with new friends, allies, concrete skills, and the real tools tools needed to revolutionize our food system!
As one student put it:
"Informative. Empowering. This training has taught me so much: That it can be done; How to use the tools to get it done; And that I am not alone in this struggle. Everyone was awesome and supportive, which inspires hope that the world can change for the better."
*Photo: Real Food Training, The Food Project farm, Lincoln Mass, August, 2009
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Rally with Ruffalo and Bus to Binghamton
When Frack Action first flyered in Union Square and Washington Square Park in the beginning of the summer, almost none of the recipients of the flyers were familiar with the issue. Yesterday, when I flyered and got letters signed with United For Action in Union Square, perhaps half of the people that we were able to stop and engage in dialogue with knew the issue through and through and most of those people had scene at least a clip of the film, Gasland.
On Thursday a bus organized by Sierra Club Atlantic is leaving from the Union Square at Barnes and Nobles at 8AM and will return at 11PM for the EPA hearing on Fracking in Binghamton. This is an opportunity to make a sign, to join a rally, to sport visuals that show which side you are on at the hearing, and even to testify or speak on behalf of Water or Gas. There is no required fee for the bus trip, although there is a recommended donation of at least $25. You can register for the trip here,
PS: New location for the hearings: ON Center (Onondaga Events Center) in Syracuse, NY.
Voices From Gasland rally will happen outside the ON Center starting at 12 noon
-We'll see how this affects buses
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
NY State Budget Excludes Tuition Trap
This was just one rallying cry of the March 4th Movement in New York, because it was generally accepted amongst the Movement that if the board of trustees had autonomy of tuition, they would inevitably raise it even more than the legislature.
Fracking Waits, Climate Movement Enters New Phase
Fracking Banned Until May 15th
A photo-text blast of a rainbow at the beach went out yesterday as an omen that the Thompson Moratorium on Fracking would pass, and surely it did, 48 to 9. This means that Fracking is Banned until May 15th, 2011. Activism may not feel as urgently necessary at this moment -folks shall breathe- but there are 9 months to raise awareness and accelerate the debate.

Where Do We Go From Here?
Upper layer of The Irish Rogue, 44th Street, Manhattan, Tuesday evening, August 3rd. A NYPIRG, (New York Public Interest Research Group, a partner of 1SKY) representative hosted a meeting with Greater New York City for Change and representatives from Move On that have now become United for Action (a Fracking Opposition group), Climate SOS., the Coffee Party, Amp Up and Frack Action (just me), as well as independent parties and an organizer for the Houston Street BP Action last May.
The Climate Bill has just died, and as the NYPIRG rep narrated, it first surpassed superior bills, and then it imploded, and then it withered, and then it withered even more, and then it lay in the corner pathetically, and then it breathed its last breath. This was the context of the meeting, where do we go from here, but many variables were missing from the meeting in order for it to illuminate a clear path of where to go. Half of the people there were involved in Greater NYC for Change, and needed to be almost fully updated on the Environmental Movement. The representative of Climate SOS wanted to talk about the Radical Environmental Movement's side of the story. One woman wanted to argue whether or not Anger was a worthy element of activism. Lastly, most of the environmentalists there wanted to talk about Fracking and one incredibly vocal blogger wanted to dispute whether or not we should even oppose Fracking.
The representative of Climate SOS. passed out a Rising Tide pamphlet called False Solutions to Climate Change, 2nd Edition before the meeting began and they sat, stacked on the table in the middle of the room, while the NYPIRG rep addressed ACES as originally a "decent" bill. After the SOS rep called her out on giving a one sided "rendition" of the story, I added that mostly Environmental Justice groups did not sign onto the ACES bill because it did not address their Social Justice issues (Extraction and CC Inequality), but that Copenhagen was a good thing because it brought the concept of Climate Justice to the forefront and we've been seeing more Social Justice groups becoming involved in the movement. The Gulf and Fracking have accelerated the Social Justice aspect of Climate by "a million percent." Maybe I was cut off by the second moderator because I said, "million percent," but I was about to conclude that in this moment now we have the opportunity to march forward, united, with more people involved, and with more light on the social aspect of Climate Change.
The NYPIRG rep said that when the bill died, she got, "Really Angry and pissed off" but then she remembered that big energy industries, "have a grip on our political system." She said, "I will not allow them to control the discourse. We have to keep fighting even though we have lost. Every social movement that has won... has won with stumbles... This is not the time to be sad. This is the time to Mobilize and start a Revolution."
Talk of a march on Washington came up and one person, who was brought along but isn't usually involved in politics, said that the March on Washington is an iconic image but that we should do something new and different. Carmen Barnes, of Greater NYC for Change disagreed. She is a woman that has marched on the Capital many times and holds it as a quintessential action for our nation's major social movements.
One person pointed out that if you don't have a banner to rally behind, "-You've got nothing," Schuster finished, agreeing. This might have been in reference to the concept of Cap and Trade, which was so controversial within the Environmental Movement itself, as a carbon trading, capitalist method. The banner that Chris Williams, of ISO (International Socialist Organization) wants the march on Washington to rally behind is "System Change, Not Climate Change," an actual banner slogan used in Copenhagen.
The new solution that NYPIRG and 1SKY advocate for now is the Clear Act. The Carbon Limits and Energy for American Renewal Act has been introduced by Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. It would establish a monthly auction system where polluters would buy "carbon shares" or permits. This would create the incentive for polluters to transition to a different form of production and 75% of the revenue would be sent out to the American public in the form of checks. According to, "a household family of four would receive a rebate from the government totaling $1,100 per year." That revenue would be distributed progressively based on income, "to offset costs... passed onto the consumers." The remaining 25% would go into "clean energy" programs. (There is no distinction made about Nuclear). It would "address regional disparities in the transition to a clean energy economy."
(1) (Explaining CLEAR Act)
-1st Image: BP Protest on Houston Street,
*For Bus Info:
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 7 - 9 PMUS Climate and Energy Policy: What Happens Next?Angry about the oil spill? What happened to a climate and energy bill in the Senate? What role will the midterm elections play in the possibility of climate and energy legislation in congress? |
What can people be doing at the grassroots level to create change that supports clean energy and a sustainable future?
Join Greater NYC for Change for an information session and discussion with Lauren Schuster, Esq., Staff Attorney for New York Public Interest Research Group and
Irish Rogue (bar and restaurant)
356 West 44th St (Btwn 8th and 9th), Manhattan
Monday, August 2, 2010
Binghamton on August 12th: Final Fracking Showdown with Legislature
This is a presentation going on tomorrow:
Making Your Roof Cool: NYC's White Roof Painting Program Tues., August 3, 6:30 - 8 PM
Sierra Club Office,1350 Broadway, Suite 201, New York, NY 10018.
Refreshments from Sarivole Organic Bakery. Seats are limited, so please try to arrive early to avoid disappointment
Stay tuned for the info on our
10/10/10 Brainstorming Forum.
In 350 news, it turns out that 10/10/10 is also World Zombie Day.
September Field Trip!
Don't forget to look into the Appalachia Rising trip now.