1. Calling Gov Paterson (518 - 474 – 8390), to thank him for cautioning the DRBC on Fracking, but also to urge him to sign our own moratorium that would be in effect until May.

2. Besides the hearing in Trenton tomorrow on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin, which may be inconvenient, we can write to Philadelphia's Mayor Nutter, to tell the DRBC to hold off on Fracking. An automatic email template has been provided in an email by Protecting Our Water, but they also urge us to actually send letters. This emergency request followed an announcement by the DRBC (Delaware River Basin Commission) that it would release regulations on Fracking in the Delaware Watershed later this week.
Honorable Michael Nutter
City Hall
Office of the Mayor
Room 215
Philadelphia PA 19107
At the a DRBC hearing on July 14th, governmental representatives of NY did not show up, apparently because of budget constraints, and not only was half or so of the room filled with people who said they were for safe drilling, but the commission demonstrated a willingness to allow Fracking and even the disposal of treated Fracking Fluid in the Delaware Watershed. It appears likely that their regulations will be minimal and it is urgent that the mayor of Philadelphia, which is along the river, urge a moratorium so the EPA could conduct a complete study.
Photos: Delaware River Basin (google)
Saturday Actions:
3. Attend this Saturday's Youth Activist Training/Amp Up! Meeting with a guest from RAN (Rain Forest Action Network), from 11-4.
4. Hydrofracking Protest at 4:45PM Saturday at 49th & Park, organized by Damascus Citizens.
More info on Saturday to come.
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