Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Frack Hearing and Amp Up Meet-Up

On Tuesday there was a Frack hearing at BMCC and today is an Amp Up Meet-Up at 6PM at La Pregunta Cafe.

First, why you should come. It is really an informal thing. You don't have to order food. It's basically a bar, revolutionary cafe. There will likely be another one of these soon but we don't know when and where yet. It will be a conversation, to brainstorm ideas about 10/10/10, and to elaborate on the how we can Amp Up the Environmental and Food Movement right now, as well as any other student political interest, such as Strike Oct 11th. Two upcoming things, for example, are Appachia Rising in DC in September and the International Day of Action for Climate Justice on October 12th. This was written for a complete overview of the upcoming semester as background information.

Wild Hearing.
See my article, NYC Advocates Overshadow Pro-Frackers. One thing that I didn't mention is that Claire Sandberg and I, both from Frack Action testified as well, although I wasn't able to videotape Claire at the very end of a four hour hearing. Almost everyone was against Fracking, minus a few landowners. Surprisingly, a number of these environmentalists booed Rey Olsen, a landowner and made wild raucous. A number of environmentalists also supported biofuels and made other surprising suggestions other than Renewable Energy. Nevertheless, it was rather monotonous having almost every testifier condemn Fracking, although there were many very interesting moments. David Brahn of United For Action said he wanted to discuss "the prositution of Mother Nature and the money being made of it." A young woman said she went to a high school for environmental sciences and back then she loved the EPA. But at the hearing she told the EPA to their faces that she has lost trust in them, and that she considers EPA to stand for "Enforcing a Political Agenda." A woman who was running for a Democratic seat in the US Senate asked the landowners if it were worth glowing in the dark.

To Explain the video below, someone said that the EPA had allowed criminal behavior to continue, so Gennero of the NYC Council defended the EPA, saying that fracking is legal right now. So the woman in stripes started by saying "Slavery was once legal too."
The footage in this Amp Update is not included in my in-depth article and video but includes my own testimony and a few favorite moments.

More footage:

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