Monday, August 9, 2010

Not Too Late for Real Food Summer

This summer, choose from four amazing Real Food Challenge trainings around the country. At each, 25 students and veteran Real Food organizers will converge for a powerful weekend of trainings, cooking, skill-shares, storytelling, strategizing and all-around fun. These retreats are geared toward students who want to take on (or strengthen an existing) real food campaign on their campus.

Each event will feature a unique series of workshops ranging from storytelling as an organizing tool and "power, privilege and oppression in the food system," to ones on campaign planning and how to shift campus food systems. All participating teams will leave with a full action plan for the school year.

These trainings are much more than workshops: we'll cook and eat delicious meals together, visit and work with local food justice organizations, do all sorts of outdoor activities and (of course) have dance parties! Everyone walks away with new friends, allies, concrete skills, and the real tools tools needed to revolutionize our food system!

As one student put it:

"Informative. Empowering. This training has taught me so much: That it can be done; How to use the tools to get it done; And that I am not alone in this struggle. Everyone was awesome and supportive, which inspires hope that the world can change for the better."

*Photo: Real Food Training, The Food Project farm, Lincoln Mass, August, 2009

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