Wednesday, August 4, 2010

NY State Budget Excludes Tuition Trap

As it was intended to be mentioned in the previous article, the State Budget also concluded that SUNY and CUNY will not have autonomy to set its own tuition. The Public (or SUNY and CUNY) Higher Education Empowerment and Innovation Act proposed by Paterson, according to Daniel Brito, City College journalist for the Campus Paper (1), "would give the Board of Trustees of both CUNY and SUNY [the power] to raise tuition up to but not more than 2.5 times the five-year rolling average of the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI.)"

This was just one rallying cry of the March 4th Movement in New York, because it was generally accepted amongst the Movement that if the board of trustees had autonomy of tuition, they would inevitably raise it even more than the legislature.


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