Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mountain Justice Peaks and Frack Movement Speeks

James Hansen and I looked at each other on the "Clean Air Natural Gas Bus," as I was escorted on in zip-tie handcuffs and he was in a seat in cuffs himself. One hundred and sixteen of us were arrested all together for refusing to obey police orders to leave the White House sidewalk, protesting Mountaintop Removal strip mining with two-thousand other people that had marched through Washington. Read my full article on it and see videos from me, Appalachia Rising, and Democracy Now!.

See the article below about a hearing tonight on Fracking conducted by the DEC in Long Island City. If you can possible make it in this short notice please come and make noise, or testify. Major organizations didn't even know about it until last minute, which seems to mean that the DEC isn't exactly out to stop Fracking in New York.

At Appalachia Rising there was a Northeast meet-up and many people learned about Fracking there and were ready to take action from Connecticut to Mass to parts of Upstate New York that were still somewhat out of the Marcellus-loop of noise. At the march itself, people showed up with signs against Fracking and there were chants for Clean Water Now, because we are two different movements, but we are like brother and sister, not to mention the Tar Sands movement, Justice in the Gulf and Eco-Justice everywhere.

If you have any news on 10/10/10 please ask permission (to for authorization and post an update, as well as thoughts, news and features if you want.

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