A protest took place outside Obama's Democratic campaign fundraiser yesterday to push him off of supporting the proposed Keystone Oil Pipeline to run from Alberta Canada to Texas.
The operation would extract Tar Sand Oil, which releases three times as much GHG pollution than conventional gas. Environmentalists say it also poses threats of water contamination and other sorts of dire problems.
A cheerful video made by TransCanada Corporation doesn't address every concern, but it does say that the project will respect the lands of indigenous peoples, although it doesn't say how so, and Friends of the Earth say otherwise: "Communities living downstream from tailing ponds have seen spikes in rates of rare cancers, renal failure, lupus, and hyperthyroidism. In the lakeside village of Fort Chipewyan, for example, 100 of the town’s 1,200 residents have died from cancer."
Activists there were involved in Friends of the Earth and organizations at Fordham University, Manhattanville College and other schools in New York City.
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