Sunday, December 12, 2010

December Frack Protests in NYC

Some fifty people protested outside a party of future Pennsylvannia governor Tom Corbett, other PA officials and campaign contributors at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on the same day that NY Governor Paterson vetoed the moratorium bill and two days after the DRBC released regulations on Fracking in the Delaware Riverbasin, without waiting for study. In response to Paterson's decision, there will be another protest at his office tomorrow (Monday).

Paterson, who is one of the four state governors on the DRBC had urged the DRBC not to release regulations until further studies were done, but in a July hearing with the DRBC on this issue, there was no New York State representative. Paterson had stated recently that he understood the safety of Fracking to be uncertain, but he vetoed NY's moratorium and instead imposed an executive order, which temporarily bans new permits for Horizontal Drilling but not for Vertical Drilling because according to him, Vertical Drilling poses no known environmental threats and would cost jobs. But according to the face book invitation for tomorrow's protest, Vertical Drilling is another way of saying Verticle Hydrofracking, and is responsible for the damage done in Dimoch. According to Craig Michaels of Riverkeeper in a New York Times article, "The environmental community will be watching closely to assure that industry does not side-step environmental review by conducting an onslaught of vertical drilling and then converting those vertical wells to horizontal wells."

MONDAY DECEMBER 13th, 12 noon
NYC Office of Gov David Paterson
644 3rd Avenue (between 41st and 42nd)

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