Thursday, February 10, 2011

Countdown to Amp Up! Summit

With about a week left until the summit to kick off a semester of high voltage, renewable energy powered, organic social change, it's up to all the folks that are down, to drop seeds everywhere, and water those seeds, and shine a little on them. That means telling our classes, our friends, people we've never even talked to before, people who don't talk to many people. "Even if you're not into the environment or food, it's good to come just to see what's going on, it's free, and you learn about justice in general, and skills that you could use for anything." Please send emails out, share stuff on Facebook walls and invite people through that; you can print the flyer too. Hey, Mr. Turquoise videos are not on behalf of Amp Up! or an organization; you could make videos yourself: this is grassroots.

Invite friends here.
Register here.

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