From Protecting Our Waters:
Philadelphia utility to avoid Marcellus natgas
Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:27pm GMT
* Commission concerned about effects of "fracking"
* Marcellus buys banned pending EPA review due in 2012
By Jon Hurdle
PHILADELPHIA, Jan 18 (Reuters) - Philadelphia officials on Tuesday directed a city utility not to buy natural gas from the Marcellus Shale until more is known about the safety of the hydraulic fracturing technique used to extract it.
With its largely symbolic gesture, Philadelphia becomes the first major U.S. city to refuse to buy natural gas obtained by the controversial method of hydraulic fracturing, said Philadelphia Councilman Curtis Jones, who sponsored the measure.
Read more: http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKN1813865220110118
We celebrate this positive breakthrough, which took place on the same day as a significant statewide rally we helped build:
Reporting from Harrisburg, Protecting Our Waters organizer Liz Arnold comments: We definitely made an impression. It was great seeing everyone who made it out to Harrisburg. Press coverage is never accurate (I counted 200 people at the rally), but everyone who reported on the inauguration at least mentioned us, and often explained some key concerns about fracking:
Harrisburg Patriot News
Pittsburg Tribune-Review
WTAE Pittsburg
York Daily Record
AND an inspiring one about the anti-gas drilling actions going on in England
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