Vandana Shiva, famous for her decades of work and advanced knowledge in Sustainable Agriculture, Eco-Feminism, Food and Climate Justice, will be speaking at the Riverside Church tomorrow, Wednesday at 6, (South Hall of Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY at 120th St.) WE ACT for Justice will be hosting. It's free. RSVP with thecssr@gmail.com.
VIDEO: http://wearemany.org/v/bp-bleeding-planet
NYPIRG is holding a Silent Rally outside the Canadian Consulate to protest a proposal to run an Oil Pipeline from Alberta Canada to Texas! According to an email blast from Lauren Schuster of NYPIRG, "Not only would the pipeline keep us hooked on dirty fossil fuels... but the very process requires massive deforestation, tremendous amounts of fresh water, and leaves behind toxic and cancer-causing chemicals, including benzene, cyanide, arsenic, and mercury in its midst." Please wear all black.

What: Keystone XL Silent Rally
When: Thursday, July 8th at 11am
Where: Canadian Consulate, 1251 Sixth Ave. (between 49th & 50th Streets)
Visuals: Please wear BLACK clothing (at the very least a black t-shirt); signs will be provided to you
Partners: National Wildlife Federation, NYPIRG and other national environmental groups
July 14th is my birthday so I'm inviting everyone to protest Hydrofracking with me in Trenton New Jersey outside of a public hearing on the matter with Deleware Riverkeeper (http://www.delawareriverkeeper.org/about/event.aspx?Id=23). Getting all the way to Trenton from World Trade Center is not too convenient, but certainly worth it. Check out details in this event page,

Stay tuned about the Frack Action meeting on Thursday at 7, likely at the Alignment Center on 28th Street. (http://www.facebook.com/search/?post_form_id=c73c3673264874d242310935afd17cee&q=&init=quick&ref=search_loaded)
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